Monday, September 7, 2009

Common Symptoms of Obamamania

  • Every time a member of the Obama administration resigns, like Van Jones, you go to church and light a candle.
  • You think Sonia Sotomayor really IS a WISE LATINA.
  • You went to a congressional town hall meeting to complain that too many people were actually reading the bill.
  • You called the White House to ask that Obama's World Apology Tour be extended to Pocatella and Indianapolis.
  • You believe Obama should talk to America's school children every Monday morning, not just once a year.
  • You think every person with a McCain-Palin bumper sticker on their car has an AK-47 in the back seat.
  • You look forward to being paid in Obamadollars instead of US Currency.
  • You think your Obama-Biden sticker automatically extends the warranty on your Prius to the year 2016.
  • You think the birth certificate controversy was dreamed up in the Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company boardroom.
  • You think your ACORN T-shirt should come with 2 pairs of rose colored glasses.
  • You believe the book, "Rules for Radicals" should have Barak Obama's picture on it and it should be taught as an A.P. course in high school.


  1. I am pleased to have been tested for Obamamania, and am found to be 100% free of any symptoms.

    And I am knowing a growing number of folks who voted for Barry, and are experiencing severe voter remorse. One -- a life-long Democrat -- became a newly-registered Republican in celebration of Barry's hellthcare push.

    Change we can bereave in. Come on, 2010!

  2. More Dangerous Symptoms of Obamaholism:

    Replacing your regular shampoo with the "Audacity of Soap."
    Painting two white feet on your pet schnauzer and naming her "Bo."
    Having "Wise Wheatina" every morning for breakfast.
    Telling your friends that your father is black -- even though you're a rabbi.
    Informing your kid that Obama has appointed you "homework czar."
    Elbowing in front of a kindergartener for a front seat at our Dear Leader's school speech.
    Buying a bus so you can throw your grandmother under it.
